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  1.  15
    Les signes de la lumière: Hypothèses sur lunité historique de la connaissance.Traian D. Stanciulescu - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (136).
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    La génèse du langage, entre nature et culture.Traian D. Stănciulescu - 2006 - Cultura 3 (1):161-173.
    The paper propose an assemble of (un)conventional explanatory hypotheses regarding insufficiently known aspects of the genesis and evolution of the human language. The causes and mechanisms that justify the hypothesis of an original linguistic nucleus generating ethnic dialects later on have been studied here. These aspects, regarded from the interdisciplinary perspective of such sciences as semiotics and linguistics, neurology and biophotonics, psychosociology, logic and philosophy, are sustaining that the human language (word) history presupposes: an “iconicity phase” (naturalist theory), permitting an (...)
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  3.  29
    La pensée cosmologique, entre mythos et logos.Traian D. Stänciulescu - 2005 - Cultura 2 (2):64-73.
    Mediated by a hermeneutic/semiotic reading of symbols, searching out and finding some similitudes between mythical constructions concerning the genesisof the world and scientific hypotheses can be considered fruitful from at least two viewpoints, since: (a) it allows the validation of a truth which is difficult to prove through other means, that early humans had intuitive-cognitive resources much more profound than appearances seem to allow; (b) it enables the utilization of some of the suggestions offered by the mythic language in the (...)
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    The “Creative Resonance”: On The Language Of Romanian Values.Traian D. Stănciulescu - 2014 - Human and Social Studies 3 (1):103-123.
    The goal of the present contribution is an unconventional one. It concerns not only a punctual problem - the axiology of ethnical values - assumed on the “vertical” of a single discipline, as it is usually done, but a complex of “horizontal” problems unified by an integrative methodology: that of semiotics. The great quantity of the problems involved obliged us − on a limited frame − to present them intuitively, to formulate only some hypotheses and models, for a preliminary holistic (...)
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    The Hierarchies of Light.Traian D. Stănciulescu - 2007 - Cultura 4 (2):137-156.
    To understand – intuitively and analytically both – that man is a „being of light” created as a perfect „face and alikeness” and, implicitly, as a becoming measure of the cosmic „wave patterns”, is the main purpose of the present paper. To recuperate the language of the religion by the privilege of a new „living fields” science (biophotonics) means to realize rationally the millenary expectancy of the ESSENTIAL UNITY: man, cosmos, and divinity, harmoniously together.
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